Validation of communication campaign and tools

Communication is a key tool of a network / brand development. Necessary to develop its notoriety, to enhance customers loyalty, whether it is made through printing, digital, radio, or video means: advertising shall be made complying with certain specific principles.

Prohibition of misleading commercial practices
No French law lists exhaustively the mandatory indications that shall be included in a communication tool. The applicable regulations are various and inter alia provided in the Consumption Code, as well as in health regulations.
The main principle to be complied with while communicating is the following : any communication shall not be misleading.

This principle implies the need, for professionals, to ensure their communication media do not allow public to think the network / the brand / the related products have some qualities, origins, advantages other than the ones they have in reality.
Consequently, it is necessary, while conceiving a communication, to ask whether it is likely to confuse / mislead consumers, especially on products quality, their origin, availability, quantity, and/or their price.
Tease – Yes, Mislead – No! Transparency is needed and mandatory professionals shall ensure they do not advertise qualities that cannot be proven.
Le saviez-vous ?
"Non-binding" / "Non-contractual" indications are not disclaimers that protects professionals : the latter's have the duty to promote what they can offer.