Formalizing your production agreement

Formalizing your production agreement

Networks have the possibility to sub-treat the manufacture / production of some of the goods or services they distributer.

This manufacture is not always formalized through a written agreement. But it is advisable to sign a framework agreement governing the terms and conditions applicable to the concerned manufacture of products.



Such a manufacture agreement will thus secure :

  • the specific standards to be complied with while manufacturing the concerned products
  • the warranties offered by the manufacturer
  • the commitment of the manufacturer not to produce similar products for third parties
  • supplying volumes
  • stock and production forecasts
  • details of commercial terms
  • price evolution
  • termination and consequences of agreement termination, including the possibility for the distributor to take over the remaining stock of products.

It is also possible to frame the duration applicable to the concerned relationship in case of renewal. 

Our experts lawyer remain at your disposal to assist you while drafting and negotiating such production agreements.


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From the creation of a network to its development, through the prevention of litigation or even training, our expert lawyers in distribution law support brands of all sizes.

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